Fall Rush Begins!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis suscipit tortor. Praesent in lacus sit amet augue ornare mollis. Donec ac accumsan ipsum. Vivamus maximus aliquet nibh id interdum. Aenean aliquet risus ac elit ornare, vitae rhoncus enim tempus. Cras volutpat non urna et suscipit. Curabitur a dui congue, vestibulum lacus vitae, finibus ligula. Duis felis ex, posuere a sem suscipit, convallis tempor neque. Morbi ac congue magna, ut fringilla arcu. Maecenas venenatis tortor urna, non vulputate metus auctor vitae. Nam vel nisl mauris.

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Thank you Brother Jones

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A huge thank you from the Brothers of the Alpha Chi Chapter goes out to Brother Bill Jones. Brother Jones made a $20,500 donation towards the new house this past week. He has challenged us all to donate and help cement the Alpha Chi Chapter back at Mississippi State University! Thank you Brother Jones.

Zeta Eta Colony at Bama get’s their Charter!

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I had the pleasure of being a part of the initiation and Chartering ceremony of the Zeta Eta Chapter at Bama this past weekend. It afforded a great opportunity to witness all the logistics that go into a Chartering weekend. I’ve now got a good idea of what all we need to get done for our Chartering.

I’ve discussed a possible re-Chartering date for Alpha Chi at Mississippi State with the National President and with the Staff at the National Headquarters. We are aiming for an April 30, 2015 re-chartering aligning with the 77th anniversary of our original Chartering.

Please keep the weekend before and after April 30th close in your mind. We plan to have a big Alpha Chi event one of those weekends including; Alumni Reunion, Initiating the new members, Ground Breaking for the new house and a formal Red Carnation Ball. We hope that all alumni can come big a part of this historical event.

Stay tuned for updates as the plan comes together.

Great News!

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It’s been a long summer since my last post on here. The Fall semester is starting back and our Alpha Chi brothers are rolling onto campus like a storm!

I’m happy to announce that today is Bid Day and the Alpha Chi Chapter has 28 new associate members!!!!

This puts Alpha Chi at a current membership of 66 fine young men! We are now a larger chapter than Delta Chi, ATO, Farmhouse and Fiji not to mention the other off campus fraternities.

Alpha Chi is BACK in force at Mississippi State!

Also of important news! We are finalizing our house plans with the MSU Planning Committee. We hope to have IHL approval for construction very soon! Alpha Chi will soon have a new home at MSU. I’ll share more details on the house plans when approved!

In the mean time, we need all our alumni brothers to help support this new house!! Please let me know if you would like to help out in any way.

In Phi,

Dennis Daniels

Important Dates to Mark on Your Calendar

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*****IMPORTANT**** Mark these dates on your calendar!!!

April 24-26
Initiation of new members

April 30,
7:00 p.m. Charter Signing Ceremony

May 2:
1:00 p.m. Ground Breaking Ceremony
3:00 p.m. MSU vs. LSU Baseball
7:00 p.m. Chartering Banquet
9:00 p.m. Red Carnation Ball and Alumni Reunion

Alumni are invited to all events. We especially need help with the initiation of new members and need as many alumni as can help.

More details will be posted soon. Watch this post as I will update it as time gets closer. Please contact Dennis Danielswith any questions either via a Facebook message, email drail14me@gmail.com or phone 662-418-2071.